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Chris Hughes - Interests register

Declared interests

Declaration Date Companies in which the member is a Director
30 November 2022
  • Moanui Laboratories Limited. Manufacturer and marketer of cherry products.
  • Chrilyn Trustee Company Limited. Trustee of my family trust.
  • Chrilyn Investments Limited. Investment holding company.
  • Turner Trustee Company Limited. Trustee of client family trust.


Declaration Date Companies in which the member holds or controls more than 10% of the voting rights
30 November 2022
  • Moanui Laboratories Limited. Manufacturer and marketer of cherry products.
  • Chrilyn Trustee Company Limited. Trustee of my family trust.
  • Chrilyn Investments Limited. Investment holding company.


Declaration Date Companies or Businesses in which the member holds a pecuniary interest (excluding management investment schemes)
21 August 2023 The member has minor shareholdings in a variety of companies.


Declaration Date Trusts in which the member has a beneficial interest
30 November 2022
  • Chrilyn Trust


Declaration Date Is the member a member of an organisation, governing body of an organisation, or a trustee of a trust, and that organisation or trust receives, or has applied to receive, funding from Waikato Regional Council
12 February 2024 Honorary Life Member. NZ Fieldays Society. Operates the National Fieldays and other events at Mystery Creek.




Declaration Date Is the member a beneficiary of a trust that holds real property
30 November 2022 Yes (1)

Gift register

Date Item
11 March 2024 Houston Computers: Chinese New Years Dinner. $120. Accepted.


Date Item