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Road to Zero for the Waikato

Road to Zero for the Waikato - Strategic direction for 2020-2030

Transport safety remains an ongoing problem for us as a region.

People must be at the heart of any strategy to address transport safety outcomes. Everyone should expect to arrive safely from every journey and feel safe regardless of how they choose to get around. Safe transport options allow all people to participate in the economic and social life of our region.

We are committed to our vision of accessible journeys free of deaths and serious injuries. By 2030 we aim to reduce deaths and serious injuries in the Waikato region by 40% from 2018 levels. We know we can only achieve this bold vision by working together.

Our regional road safety strategy takes a whole-of-system approach with focus areas on ensuring an effective regional response, safer roads, helping people to have safety skills and make safe choices, safe work-related travel and improving vehicle safety.

This strategic direction and plan guides our collective mahi, and helps us on our path to zero. By working together across government, private and community sectors our efforts can be at a scale that is economic and will provide faster, and better outcomes for all our communities and visitors, and gain central government support. 

Achieving ‘our’ Road to Zero will take consistent focus, collaboration, determination, funding and above all leadership. We know that by working together we can make the Waikato a region all people can get around safely, save lives and support our communities’ wellbeing. 


If you have any enquiries about the strategy, please contact us.