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Waikato Regional Policy Statement Change 1 - National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and Future Proof Strategy update

Current status

Council adopted the recommendations of the Hearing Panel on 26 October 2023 as Council’s decision on Proposed Waikato Regional Policy Statement Change 1 (National Policy Statement on Urban Development and Future Proof Strategy Update) (WRPS Change 1). Decisions were publicly notified on 15 November 2023.

The period for making appeals on the decision has now closed. Three separate appeal processes are currently underway.

What's happening?

A change to the Waikato Regional Policy Statement (WRPS) is needed to incorporate the requirements of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD) and to reflect the updated Future Proof Strategy.

The NPS-UD requires councils to plan for growth and ensure well-functioning urban environments for all people, communities and future generations. The NPS-UD contains objectives and policies that councils must give effect to in their resource management decisions, policy statements and plans.

Also, the WRPS incorporates key components of the Future Proof Strategy which covers the areas of Waipā and Waikato districts and Hamilton City. The strategy was updated in July 2022 and this needs to be reflected in the WRPS.

Understanding what changes have been made

WRPS Change 1 includes:

  • A revised urban form and development chapter, to ensure that the WRPS is giving effect to the NPS-UD.
  • Deleting the specific provisions relating to growth strategies prepared by territorial authorities outside of the Future Proof subregion. These have been replaced with generic provisions to guide preparation of, and give weight to, growth strategies.
  • Updating the provisions that relate to the Future Proof subregion to reflect the updated Future Proof Strategy. This includes the outcomes of the Hamilton to Auckland Corridor Plan, the Hamilton-Waikato Metro Spatial Plan (MSP), the MSP Transport Programme Business Case, and the Three Waters Sub-Regional Study.

You can watch a short video, below, for an overview of the WRPS Change 1.

The scope of the WRPS Change 1 is limited to changes to implement the NPS-UD and to update the Future Proof components in the WRPS. Changes are shown as underlined where new text has been added and struck through where deleted.

Video - overview of the WRPS Change 1


Separate appeals were lodged on WRPS Change 1 by Fonterra Ltd, Titanium Park Ltd and Rukuhia Properties Ltd, and Hamilton City Council. These appeal processes are currently underway.


The recommendations of the Hearing Panel was adopted by Council on 26 October 2023. Council’s decision on WRPS Change 1 is contained in two reports.

The Decisions version contains a clean copy of the WRPS Change 1.

The Recommendations of Hearing Committee report includes discussion of issues raised by submitters, reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions, and overall recommendations of the Hearing Panel and the reasons for them. It also includes marked up and clean versions of WRPS Change 1 in the appendices.

Next steps

  1. Public consultation - 18 October to 16 December 2022 (complete)
  2. Further submissions - 31 January to 15 February 2023 (complete)
  3. Hearings, decisions and appeals - 8 May to 9 May 2023 (hearings), 15 November 2023 (notification of decisions), 17 January 2024 (appeals period closed and appeals process underway)
  4. Plan change operative

Image - RPS Change 1 - timeline graphic

Staff are available to discuss any concerns or questions about WRPS Change 1 with you. Please make contact via email at email address