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Information Forums

Information forum 1 - Economic and Science Modelling

The Hearings Panel requested that an "Information Forum(s)" be held prior to the hearings commencing for submitters who have raised issues relating to the economic and science Modelling that underpin the proposed Plan Change. The Information Forum(s) will not be formal expert conferencing.

For more information read the Preliminary Notice Information Forum.

The Hearings Panel Chair has provided direction to the parties ahead of the information forum days scheduled for 21 and 22 November.

Chair's Direction notice - Information Forum 1

Agenda for the forum days

Following the Forum the Chair of the Hearings Panel has provided direction to the parties. 

29 November 2018 - Minute from Hearings Panel - Follow up from Information Forum 1

Facilitators memorandum to the panel - Information Forum 1

To listen to the audio files from the forums, see the below. 

Information forum 2 - Expert conferencing re: Commercial Vegetable Production

The Hearings Panel requested that Expert Conferencing occur regarding the Plan Change's provisions for Commercial Vegetable Production.
The expert conferencing sessions were held on the following dates commencing at 9.30 am.

Day 1 – Tuesday 19th of February 2019
Day 2 - Tuesday 5th of March 2019

The venue was the Conference room at Distinction Hotel, Garnett Avenue (Te Rapa) Hamilton.

The Facilitator was Mr David Hill.

Letter - Expert Conferencing regarding the Plan Change's provisions for Commercial Vegetable Production.

Update 11 February 2019 - Agenda for 19 February 2019

Draft Section 42A Commercial Vegetable Production Document

Proposal for amended set of provisions - WRC staff

Information forum 3 - Table 3.11-1

The Hearings Panel requested that expert conferencing be held on table 3.11-1 to provide an opportunity for freshwater science experts to clarify the issues with the table, and address (and resolve if possible) the concerns regarding its robustness and the level of 'uncertainty' and 'completeness' of the provisions.

The expert conferencing sessions were held on the following dates commencing at 9.00 am.

Day 1 - Thursday 4 April 2019
Day 2 – Monday 15 April 2019
Day 3 - Wednesday 15 May 2019
Day 4 - Wednesday 12 June 2019 (half day)

Joint Witness Statement - Expert conferencing - Table 3.11-1

The Panel directs that 18 July 2019 will be set aside in order for it to hear from the nominated experts who attended the expert conferencing in relation to the Joint Witness Statement and any recommended changes to table 3.11.1.

31 May 2019 Minute from the Hearing Panel - Expert Conferencing Table 3.11.1

21 June 2019 - Minute from the Hearing Panel - Expert Conferencing Table 3.11.1 

25 June 2019 - Panel Minute - Update Expert Conferencing Table 3 11 1 Hearing of the JWS (2)


View the Table 3.11-1 evidence


The venue was the Conference room at Distinction Hotel, Garnett Avenue (Te Rapa) Hamilton.

The Facilitator was Mr David Hill.

The Hearings Panel Chair provided direction to the parties.

27 February 2019 - Minute (1) from Hearings Panel - expert conferencing Table 3.11-1
13 March 2019 - Minute (2) from Hearings Panel - expert conferencing Table 3.11-1
29 March 2019 - Minute from Hearings panel - re Genesis Energy memorandum - Scope and Expert Conferencing Table 3.11-1
31 May 2019 -Minute from the Hearing Panel - relating to the end of the conferencing process 
21 June 2019 - Minute from the Hearing Panel - Expert Conferencing Table 3.11.1 
25 June 2019 - Panel Minute - Update Expert Conferencing Table 3 11 1 Hearing of the JWS (2)
17 July 2019 Panel Minute - Fonterra Late Filing of Expert Evidence re Table 3.11.1
24 July 2019 Panel Minute - Questions to the Experts who were not able to attend the Hearing on Table 3.11.1 and the Joint Witness Statement
9 August 2019 Responses to Written Hearing Panel Questions on Table 3.11.1 and the Joint Witness Statement Oliver Michel Nicolas Ausseil
9 August 2019 Responses to Written Hearing Panel Questions on Table 3.11.1 and the Joint Witness Statement Dr Ngaire Phillips
9 August 2019 Responses to Written Hearing Panel Questions on Table 3.11.1 and the Joint Witness Statement Dr Hugh Robertson
9 August 2019 Responses to Written Hearing Panel Questions on Table 3.11.1 Martin Neale
9 August 2019 Responses to Written Panel Questions dated 24 July 2019 Gerry Kessels
Memorandum of Counsel for Waikato Regional Council (as Plan Change proponent) 

Items from submitters

Memorandum of Counsel - Beef & Lamb 
Memorandum of Counsel - Horticulture NZ 
Memorandum of Counsel - Director General of Conservation and Fish & Game
Memorandum from DairyNZ
Memorandum of Counsel - Mercury NZ 
Memorandum of Counsel - Waikato and Waipa River Iwi 
Memorandum of Counsel - Wairakei Pastoral Limited 
Memorandum of Counsel - Watercare Services and Waikato Region Territorial Authorities
Memorandum of Counsel - Genesis Energy