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Waipā Catchment Plan

The Waipā Catchment Plan outlines a 20 year plan to support the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waipa River (and the Waikato River).


The Waipā Catchment Plan takes a proactive, prioritised and integrated ‘whole of catchment’ approach to managing the Waipā River catchment’s land and water, and includes actions to:

  • improve water quality
  • conserve soil
  • restore and protect important biodiversity habitats
  • meet iwi aspirations for the Waipa River.

The Waipā River’s major issue is poor clarity caused by sediment, and the Waipā is the biggest contributor of sediment to the Waikato River.

The Waipā Catchment Plan will be implemented in partnership with Waipa and Waikato river iwi and catchment stakeholders, and will actively involve the wider community.

The Waipā Catchment Plan has been developed:

  • in collaboration with the Waipā Catchment Committee (which includes a number of farmers) and representatives of Waikato Raupatu Rivers Trust, Maniapoto Māori Trust Board, Raukawa Charitable Trust, Ngati Mahanga and Ngati Koroki Kahukura
  • with co-funding from the Waikato River Authority.