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2.3.1 Objectives

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Through Project Watershed Environment Waikato sought to:

    1. Prevent deterioration of flood protection assets so as to avoid loss of land productivity and a reduced level of flood protection for rural and urban properties.


    1. Ensure, within the limits of efficiency and fairness, that rating for flood protection within the Waikato/Waipa river catchment recognises all beneficiaries and all those whose actions or inactions contribute to the need for expenditure on flood protection systems.


    1. Maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of water quality, soil conservation, flood control and land drainage activities within the Waikato and Waipa River catchments, and minimise inefficiencies caused by inappropriate actions or inaction. With respect to water quality, Project Watershed’s primary objective is management of sediment. However some protection activities, such as riparian fencing to exclude stock from waterways, will also reduce pathogens in water bodies.


    1. Provide a consistent framework for landowners and communities to be protected from flood damage in the flood plains of the major rivers, to a cost-effective standard agreed with the affected communities of the Waikato/Waipa catchment.


    1. Achieve and maintain stable river and stream channels and banks within the Project Watershed catchment, and ensure that inappropriate drainage or tributary management activities do not compromise scheme standards.


    1. Ensure effective control of accelerated erosion within the Project Watershed catchment.


  1. Ensure that where there are significant contributors and beneficiaries elsewhere in the catchment, Project Watershed activity is not hindered by an inequitable financial burden on individual landowners.