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16.2.6 Summary - Step One

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Council has engaged independent classifiers to apply the above policies to determine an appropriate allocation of costs.

In terms of section 122F of LGAA, Council adopted the percentage apportionment of costs as set out on the following pages:

  Beneficiary percent Contributor percent
Regional Catchment Zone Landowner Hydro Utility River Management & Flood Protection (Direct Benefit) Hydro Urban/Industrial/
Sand mining Pastoral
Lake Taupo                      
Soil Conservation Scheme (Direct) 13 13 13 55         3   3
Soil Conservation Scheme (Indirect) 71 5 14   4       3   3
Soil Conservation Scheme (Transitional) 13 13 13 55         3   3
River Management (General) 5 13 67         5 5   5
River Management East & South Western 9 10 10     8 50 4 4   5
River Management & Flood Protection Tongariro 8 8 8     9 49 4 8   6
River Management & Flood Protection Tauranga-Taupo 10 11 11     9 50   4   5
Lakeshore Protection 8 8 9     6 55 5 9    
Catchment Oversight 26 28 28         7 3   8
Upper Waikato                      
Soil Conservation Schemes (Direct) 5.5 7 8 63 2.5 7   2 3   2
Soil Conservation Schemes (Indirect) 50 5 13   5 20   2 3   2
Soil Conservation (Transitional) 5.5 7 8 63 2.5 7   2 3   2
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Direct) 5.5 7 8 63 2.5 7   2 3   2
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Indirect) 50 5 13   5 20   2 3   2
River Management - Main 5 9 36         30 6   14
River Management Tributaries 5 16 64           3   12
River Improvements - Main 2 16 16 26       30 6   14
River Improvements - Tributaries 5 14 38 28         3   12
Catchment Oversight 26 28 28         6 3   9
Middle Waikato                      
Soil Conservation Scheme (Direct) 3.5 7 9 64.5 2 7   2 3   2
Soil Conservation Scheme (Indirect) 75 5 13         2 3   2
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Direct) 3.5 7 9 64.5 2 7   2 3   2
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Indirect) 75 5 13         2 3   2
River Management -Main 5 11 44         20 4 1 15
River Management -Tributaries 5 15 60           4 1 15
River Improvements - Main 3 5 13.5 13.5     25 20 4 1 15
River Improvements - Tributaries 5 14 37 27         4   13
Catchment Oversight 26 28 28         6 3   9
Soil Conservation Scheme (Direct) 7.5 12 12 62.5         3   3
Soil Conservation Waitomo Caves Scheme (Direct) 13 13 13 55         3   3
Soil Conservation Scheme (Indirect) 75 5 14           3   3
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Direct) 7.5 12 12 62.5         3   3
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Indirect) 75 5 14           3   3
River Management 5 15 60           4   16
River Improvements (excluding Tunawaea to Toa Bridge) 5 14 37 24         4   16
Flood Protection 11 11 11     9 40   3   15
Tunawaea Landslide and River Improvement to Toa Bridge 22 24 32 7         3   12
Flood Protection (Mangapu investigations) 11 11 11     9 40   3   15
Catchment Oversight 26 28 28           4   14
Lower Waikato                      
Soil Conservation (Direct) 6 8 9 64   7     3   3
Soil Conservation (Indirect) 75 5 14           3   3
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Direct) 6 8 9 64   7     3   3
Soil Conservation Farm Plan (Indirect) 75 5 14           3   3
River Management -Tributaries 5 14 56         2 4 2 17
Main Channel Works 1 2 1     6 40 27 4 4 15
Mangawara Channel Works 10 10 11     8 41 2 3 1 14
Community Works 10 10 11     8 41   4 1 15
Local Flood Protection Works 11 10 8     7 40 5 4   15
Catchment Oversight 26 28 28         5 3   10