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13.5 Beneficiaries and Contributors

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The benefits for the type of work included in the Middle Waikato Management Zone (river management, soil conservation and catchment oversight) are discussed above in sections 4 to 9.

A range of benefits result from the schemes. These include reduced erosion losses of productive land, farm management benefits (stock shelter and shade, paddock subdivision), reduction in stock losses, production forestry returns and protection of farm infrastructure (farm access and stock water supply). Landowners primarily benefit.

Other benefits include water quality protection, aesthetic enhancement and resource protection. Landowners, lake users and the local and wider communities benefit.

It must be recognised that certain activities have contributed to the need for the schemes. The effects of those activities include accelerated sediment and nutrient inputs into the water. These have resulted from development and use of land for pastoral farming, and through impoundment of the river system.

When developing its Funding Policy for work of this nature, Council engages independent technical experts to advise on the identification of beneficiaries and contributors for each activity, along with the extent of benefit and contribution. These experts base their analysis on the principles outlined in sections 4 and 5. Where Council has previously developed and consulted on existing funding policies, that previous work is taken into account when considering future funding policies. The beneficiaries and contributors, and extent of benefit and contribution are as set out in section 16.