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11.2 Consultation

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The Lake Taupo Liaison Subcommittee supported the existing works and recommended that further works be carried out where necessary. This includes proposed river management and flood control works for the Tongariro, Tauranga-Taupo and South Western rivers as well as additional soil conservation works. The committee suggested that all capital works proposed should be implemented within five years. It also considered it important that the beneficiaries and contributors to erosion and flood control were clearly identified to ensure that the burden of funding the works is equitably distributed.

The establishment of a disaster fund to cater for the costs of unforeseen damage, such as that which may follow high intensity rainfall was also recommended.

The role of tangata whenua and the need to take account of cultural views and land ownership issues was also recognised. Finally, the committee emphasised the need for education of both urban dwellers and rural landowners about principles of sustainable land and water management. This is seen as part of an integrated approach to catchment management.