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Replacement vessel construction

Shovel ready projects

Image - Tamahere Barge - Photo by Kim McKenzieFunded: $1.92m by MBIE (Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit)
Total project cost: $6.65m
Project duration: 3.5 years
New jobs expected over project life: 34

This project will see the completion of a design and the build of a replacement vessel for the Tamahere 94 barge which was used as a work platform in the Waikato and Waipā rivers over the last 50 years.

The Tamahere 94 reached the end of its life and was decommissioned and scrapped. The vessel was a strategic asset used for river management and flood protection works to maintain the stability and capacity of the river channels, undertaking activities such as removal of trees and debris from channels, river control works and stabilisation of river banks. This work can only be undertaken from the water and requires a floating work platform.

The vessel will be built in New Zealand, thereby supporting economic recovery.


  • Access for riverbank stabilisation and flood protection purposes.
    • Maintenance of the capacity of river channels so they can carry flood flows in keeping with the level of service of the lower Waikato flood protection scheme.
    • Stabilisation of the banks prevents widening of the river channel and subsequent reductions in channel depth.
    • Stabilisation of banks protects land and inland islands from eroding into the river.
    • Stabilisation of riverbanks in the vicinity of stopbanks, protecting those assets from becoming compromised.
  • Removal of obstructions (such as trees) within the channels addresses navigation hazards.
  • Water quality and habitat improvements.
  • Availability of a vessel locally to support in river works undertaken by other organisations, such as asset inspections and infrastructure upgrades.


  • Vessel design
  • Vessel construction
  • Vessel delivery
  • Mooring upgrade
  • Dry docking facility


  • The vessel’s side plates are standing, with the main internal bulkheads, frames and bracing tack welded and wheelhouse construction is underway.
  • The concept design for a mooring upgrade and dry-docking facility at the existing Meremere site is complete.
  • The consent application for the mooring upgrade is underway. Site assessments have been completed and feedback is being sought from affected parties.

Next steps

  • Construction of the hull and hull appendages (safety rails, ladders, etc), along with manufacture of the hydraulic spuds.
  • Complete detailed design for the mooring and lodge resource consent application.
  • Start construction of the mooring upgrade and dry-docking facility in the New Year.
  • Prepare vessel resourcing (skipper and deckhand) requirements.
  • Prepare and lodge consent application for vessel operation in the Waikato and Waipā rivers.
  • Continued development of the vessel operational programme.
Concept drawing of the new vessel.
The Tamahere 94 was a working platform for river management and infrastructure projects.
Site visit by council staff, councillors and landowner representatives.
Aluminum wheelhouse under construction.
Engine room looking to rear of vessel.
[1/5] Concept drawing of the new vessel.