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Waikato and Waipā River restoration strategy - Volume 1 & Volume 2

TR 2018/08

Report: TR 2018/08

Author: Keri Neilson, Michelle Hodges, Julian Williams, Nigel Bradly (Envirostrat Consulting Ltd)

About this report

The Waikato and Waipā River Restoration Strategy (the Restoration Strategy) identifies specific, technically achievable and prioritised actions for future on-the-ground restoration works throughout the catchment. It is intended to be used by organisations that either fund or undertake restoration activities for the health and wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipa rivers. The strategy covers a wide range of restoration and protection activities in the catchment and focuses on six core work streams: erosion and sedimentation, water quality, biodiversity, fish, access and recreation and cultural values.  The projects identified and prioritised within the strategy have been conceived and developed by a range of stakeholders and technical and local experts, including individuals from iwi authorities and marae, central and local government, Crown Research Institutes, non-government organisations, industry and members of the community. Specific iwi priorities were also developed and prioritised by each river iwi.

The development of the Waikato and Waipā River Restoration Strategy was funded by Waikato Regional Council, Waikato River Authority and DairyNZ. Priority projects were independently identified and developed by the project team and iwi in consultation with stakeholders and technical experts.

Read or download the report

Waikato and Waipa River restoration strategy - Volume 1 [PDF, 2.7 MB] 

  Executive summary
1 Introduction
1.1 The journey to Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato – Vision & Strategy for the Waikato River 
1.2 Purpose and scope of the Restoration Strategy  
1.3 Scope 
1.4 Structure of the technical report  
1.5 Assumptions 
1.6 Existing programmes of work
1.7 Restoration Strategy implementation 
1.8 The use of Māori words 
2 Development of the Restoration Strategy 
2.1 Approach
2.2 Goal setting 
2.2.1 Purpose 
2.2.2 Review of existing plans 
2.2.3 Goal selection 
2.3 Identification of potential priority locations and projects 
2.3.1 Overall approach 
2.3.2 Erosion and sedimentation 
2.3.3 River and stream water quality 
2.3.4 Fish 
2.3.5 Biodiversity 
2.3.6 Access and recreation 
2.3.7 Shallow lakes 
2.3.8 Iwi priorities 
2.4 Estimating costs 
3 Prioritisation of Restoration Strategy projects and locations 
3.1 Introduction 
3.2 Investment Framework for Environmental Resources (INFFER) 
3.2.1 Filtering projects 
3.2.2 Modifying INFFER for a Waikato context 
3.3 Project assessment forms (PAFs) 
3.4 Process for scoring projects 
3.5 Categorising restoration priorities 
4 Using the Strategy 
4.1 Structure and content 
4.2 Information for implementers of restoration projects 
4.2.1 Choosing a project 
4.2.2 Cultural health and safety 
4.2.3 Consultation 
4.2.4 Planning a project 
4.2.5 Applying for funding 
4.2.6 Project delivery and reporting 
4.2.7 Engagement with iwi, hapū and marae 
4.3 Information for funders 
4.4 Sources of funding and support 
5 Priority locations and projects – central and lower Waikato 
5.1 Current state and pressures 
5.1.1 Introduction 
5.1.1 Cultural importance 
5.1.2 Lower Waikato-Waipā Flood Control Scheme 
5.1.3 Water quality 
5.1.4 Erosion and sedimentation 
5.1.5 Fish 
5.1.6 Biodiversity 
5.1.7 Recreation 
5.2 Goals 
5.3 Priority projects 
5.3.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
6 Upper Waikato 
6.1 Current state and pressures 
6.1.1 Introduction 
6.1.2 Cultural importance 
6.1.3 Water quality 
6.1.4 Erosion and sedimentation 
6.1.5 Fish 
6.1.6 Biodiversity 
6.1.7 Recreation 
6.2 Goals 
6.3 Priority projects 
6.3.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
7 Waipā 
7.1 Current state and pressures 
7.1.1 Introduction 
7.1.2 Cultural importance 
7.1.3 Water quality 
7.1.4 Erosion and sedimentation 
7.1.5 Fish 
7.1.6 Biodiversity 
7.1.7 Recreation 
7.2 Goals 
7.3 Priority projects 
7.3.2 Summary tables of priority projects 
8 Shallow lakes 
8.1 Current state and pressures 
8.1.1 Introduction 
8.1.2 Cultural importance 
8.1.3 Water quality 
8.1.4 Biodiversity 
8.2 Goals 
8.3 Priority projects 
8.3.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
9 Waikato-Tainui priorities 1
9.1 Goals
9.2 Priority projects 1
9.2.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
10 Raukawa priorities
10.1 Priority projects 
11 Te Arawa River Iwi Trust priorities 
11.1 Priority projects 
11.1.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
12 Ngāti Tūwharetoa priorities 
12.1 Priority projects 
12.1.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
13 Maniapoto priorities 
13.1 Goals 
13.2 Priority projects 
13.2.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
14 Iwi priorities for shallow lakes 
14.1 Priority projects 
14.1.1 Summary tables of priority projects 
15 Knowledge gaps and research needs 
16 Monitoring the outcomes 

Read or download the report

Waikato and Waipa River restoration strategy - Volume 2 Appendices [PDF, 28 MB]

Appendix 1 Objectives of the vision and strategy
Appendix 2 Standard costs and assumptions
Appendix 3 Mitigations and assumptions applied to erosion and sedimentation projects
Appendix 4 Funders and contributors
Appendix 5 Central/Lower Waikato project assessments
Appendix 6 Upper Waikato project assessments
Appendix 7 Waipā Catchment project assessments
Appendix 8 Shallow lakes project assessments
Appendix 9 Waikato-Tainui iwi project assessments
Appendix 10 Raukawa iwi cultural priorities
Appendix 11 Te Arawa River iwi project assessments
Appendix 12 Ngāti Tūwharetoa River iwi project assessments
Appendix 13 Maniapoto iwi project assessments
Appendix 14 Iwi priorities for shallow lakes - project assessments