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Part E6

Campbell D 2016. Should the Significant values of the Whangamarino Wetland be protected by establishing a wetland FMU. Discussion document for HRWO CSG 27-1-2016
Campbell D 2016. Protecting the Significant Values of Whangamarino Wetland. Presentation to HRWO CSG dated 27-1-2016. Document 3694260 and 3859144
CSG 2016. Restoring and protecting our water- Te whakapaipai me te tiaki. Overview of CSGs recommendations for Waikato Regionl Plan Change 1 Waikato & Waipa catchments
Department of Conservation 2011. Arawai Kakariki wetland restoration programme 2007 - 2010 Implementation report
Technical Leaders Group and Waikato Regional Council 2016. Whangamarino Wetland. Outline for Collaborative Stakeholder Group Discussion. Document 3697755
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Integrated Catchment Management Directorate Presentation to Healthy Rivers Wai Ota CSG datd 19-2-2016. Document 3645067
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Memo re Whangamarino Wetland. Memo for the Collaborative Stakeholder Group Focus Day 26-2-2016- for discussion dated 26-2-2016. Doc 3702341
Waikato Regional Council 2011. Lower Waikato Zone Management Plan. Waikato Regional Council Policy Series 2011-04.
Waikato Regional Council 2011. Overview of River and Catchment Services - Waikato Region. Waikato Regional Council Policy Series 2011-03
Waikato Regional Council 2014. Waipa Catchment Plan. Waikato Regional Council Technical Report 2014-33
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Whangamarino Wetland. Report to the Collaborative Stakeholder Group for discussion dated 18 February 2016. Document# 3699610
Wildlands 2012. Impacts of Flood Control Scheme on Waikare and Whangamarino. Presentation to Waikato MOA meeting dated 18 January 2012. Document 2117907
Wildlands 2012. Ecological Impacts of the Flood Control Scheme on Lake Waikare and the Whangamarino Wetland and Potential Mitigation Options. Document 2904155
WRC 2016. Inserts to Tiakina o tatou wai Proteting our water - Draft policy mix report. Report to the CSG for agreement and approval dated 1-3-2016. Document 3710575
WRC 2016. Integrated Catchment Management Directorate Commentary on HRWO Policy For Further Discussion at CSG 30-31 May dated 25-5-2016. Document 6311056