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Part C


AgriBusiness Group 2014. Nutrient Performance and Financial Analysis of Lower Waikato Horticulture Growers. Document 3077476
Aqua 2013. Estimated Age in Surface water and Changes in Nitrogen Concentration in Ground water in the Upper Waikato Catchment. Aqua contract report H13001-2 for Ministry of Environment
Betts H 2015. Extracting NZeem-estimated sediment yield data for Agribase farm boundaries within HRWO catchments. WRC report no HR.TLG.2015-2016.2.5 Document 3386761
Campbell A CSG12. Sediment Sources and Mitigations
Clapcott J Goodwin E 2014. Relationships between macroinvertebrate community index and environmental drivers. Report No. 2057 Cawthron Institute. Document 3430310
Close M 2015. Prediction of Subsurface Redox Status for Waikato Healthy Rivers. Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited. WRC Repot No HR.TLG.2015-2016.1.6 Doc 3600573
Cochrane W Roskruge M 2015. Healthy Rivers Project - Comment on Employment and Vibrant Resilient Communities Indicators. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.6.4 Document 3608779
Coffin A 2015. Mātauranga Māori Knowledge Networks Te Onewa Consultants. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015.6.7 Document 3504062
Collins R et al 2007. Best management practices to mitigate faecal contamination by livestock of New Zealand waters. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 50(2). 267-278
DairyNZ Economics Group 2014. Waikato Dairy Farm Nitrogen Mitigation Impacts. Analysis of Waipa-Franklin and Upper Waikato Dairy Famrs. Document 3231728
Doole G 2013. Evaluation of policies for water quality improvement in the Upper Waikato catchment. MPI contract report for the Economic Joint Venture Initiative
Doole G 2015. Description of mitigation options defined within the economic model for HRWO. Description of options and sensitivity analysis WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.4.6 Doc 3060268
Doole G 2016a. Model structure for the economic model utilised within the HRWO process – an overview of the model structure. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.4.8 Document 3653254
Doole G 2016b. Evaluation of scenarios for water-quality improvement in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments - Business-as-usual assessment
Doole G Elliott S McDonald G 2015c. General principles underlying the development of the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora (HRWO) economic model. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.4.7 Doc 3615787
Doole G et al 2015. Evaluation of scenarios for water-quality improvement in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments Assessment of second set of scenarios Document 3564910
Doole G Hudson N Elliott S 2016a Prediction of water quality within the Waikato and Waipa River catchments in 1863. Document 8800097
Doole GJ Quinn JM Wilcock BJ Hudson N 2016b. Simulation of the proposed policy mix for the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora process. Document 6551310
Gibbs M Croker G 2015. Nutrient reduction bioassays in the Waikato River. NIWA Client Report NoHAM2015-074. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.3.5 Document 3488683
Gibbs M et al 2014a. Waikato River Bioassay Study 2013-14. Assessment of nutrient limitation prepared for WRC. NIWA Client Report No HAM2014-072 Document 3136020
Gibbs M et al 2014b. Factors influencing chlorophyll a concentrations in the Waikato River. Retenton time and thermal stratification in the hydro lakes prepared for DairyNZ. Doc 3689901
GMD Consultants 2015. Social impacts and trends analysis-a review of indicators and social impact trends for selected water quality plan changes. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.7.1
Hadfield J 2015. Groundwater field investigations over the 2014-15 summer in support of the Healthy Rivers Project. WRC Internal Series Report 2015-38. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.1.5B
Hudson N, Elliott S, Robinson B, Wadha S 2015.Review of historical land use and nitrogen leaching - Waikato and Waipa catchments. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.1.4 Doc 3623054 
Hudson N Wadhwa S 2016. Change in land use on Maori-owned land 2002-2012. Document 8728670
Hughes A 2015. Waikato River suspended sediment loads sources and sinks. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.2.4 Document 3569745
Keenan B 2015. Municipal and industrial water values in the Waikato River catchment. Memo to TLG on Point Sources. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.4.9 Document 3431327
Matheson L 2015. Land use conversion costs for Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Project. Perrin Ag Consultants Ltd. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.5.3 Document 3346619
McDonald G 2015. Economic impacts of the Healthy Rivers initiative- Freshwater Management Unit Regional and National Assessment. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.5.1 Document 3606512
McDonald G Doole G 2016. Regional- and national-level economic impacts of the proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change No 1- Waikato and Waipa River Catchments. Document 8954531
Monge JJ Velarde SJ Yao RT Pizzirani S Parker WJ 2015. Identifying Complementarities for the Dairy and Forestry Industries in the Central North Island Documet 3773177
Moriarty E 2015. Sources of Faecal pollution in selected Waikato Rivers-July 2015. Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd. Report commissioned by DairyNZ HR.TLG.2016-2016.7.3
Olubode F 2015. Sheep and Beef data adjusted for average schedule price and expenditure. WRC Report No HR-TLG-2015-20165.4. Document 3344335
Petch T 2014. Report on Ground water workshop and draft work briefs for additional investigations of ground water age and denitrification potential. Document 3396061
Petch T 2015. Summary of ground water information for consideration by the Collaborative Stakeholder Group. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.1.7 Document 3483783
Rawlinson Z et al 2015. Short term field investigation of groundwater resources in the Waipa River Catchment- January-April 2015. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2015-54 Document 3684056
Roback A 2015. Municipal & Industrial Water Values in the Waikato River Catchment. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.4.10. Opus. Document 2990158
Semadeni-Davies A 2016. Methodology for routing of contaminants and prioritising catchments Document 8747882
Semadeni-Davies A et al 2015a. Modelling E.coli in the Waikato and Waipa River Catchments Development of a catchment-scale microbial model WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.2.6 Doc 3428411
Semadeni-Davies A et al 2015b. Modelling nutrient loads in the Waikato and Waipa River Catchments Document 3454594
Snelder T Biggs B Weatherhead M 2010. New Zealand River Environment Classification User Guide. March 2004 (Updated June 2010) Ministry for the Environment. ISBN 978-0-478-33259-7
Technical Leaders Group 2014. Freshwater Management Unit options for consideration by the Collaborative Stakeholder Group. TLG report for discussion at CSG5 Document 3121490
Technical Leaders Group 2014. Presentation on Freshwater Management Units. Document 3140266
Technical Leaders Group 2014. Selecting Freshwater Management Units a comment from the Chair of the TLG. Report to the CSG for agreement and approval to be received. Doc 3194192
Technical Leaders Group 2014. Waikato Objectives Framework – Expert Panel Attributes Workshop Document 3408329
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Assessment of Waikato River nutrient limitation - Peer reviewed key findings of WRC and DairyNZ studies. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.3.3 Doc 3306846
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Current state and scenario one band tables. Document 3597165
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Current state data. Document #8389150
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Explanatory note to the CSG to accompany maps of contaminant loads. Document 3625060
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Explanatory note to the CSG to accompany spreadsheets of contaminant loads. Document 3591445
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Lakes FMUs-presentation to CSG18. Document 3590917
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Nutrients and phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) in the Waikato River. A summary prepared by the TLG for the CSG for CSG13. Document 3433551
Technical Leaders Group 2015. The Lakes Conundrum- Options for Lakes FMU. Document 3433691
Technical Leaders Group 2015. The non-coincidence of Freshwater Management Unit boundaries and monitoring sites. A report back from the TLG. Document 3408420
Technical Leaders Group 2015. TLG advice on Lake Type FMUs. Document 3580294
Technical Leaders Group 2015. TLG recommendation on Lakes FMU. A summary prepared by the TLG for CSG14. Document 3465537
Technical Leaders Group 2015. TLG recommendation on the use of Dissolved Oxygen as an attribute for Waikato-Waipa catchment under the WRC Plan Change 1. Document 3471897
Technical Leaders Group 2015. TLG response on Lake Type FMUs. Document 3539452
Technical Leaders Group 2015. TLG response regarding MCI as HRWO attribute. Document 3435173
Technical Leaders Group 2015. Water quality attributes for Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Plan Change- TLG summary for CSG12. Document 3414280
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Defining land suitability for the HRWO catchments. Document 6516385
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Interim Objectives and Targets for a staged approach. Document 3752140
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Monitoring of attributes and actions. Document 8751223
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Prioritisation alternatives-chart for CSG25. Document 3752949
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Priority sub-catchments for staged development of property plans. Document 3753077
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Reductions in contaminant yields required to achieve a 10% step towards Scenario 1. Document 8301277
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Staging of lake catchment farm plans. Document 6175642
Technical Leaders Group 2016. Water Quality Attributes for Healthy Rivers - Wai Ora Plan Change Document 6154421
Vant B 2013. Trends in river water quality in the Waikato Region 1993-2012. Waikato Regional Council TechnicalReport 2013-20 40p
Vant B 2014. Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Waikato and Waipa Rivers 2003–12. Waikato Regional Council Technical Report 2014-56 
Vant B 2015. Visual clarity of the Waikato and Waipa Rivers WRC Internal Series 2015-01. Document 3260375
Verburg P 2016. Nutrient limitation of algal biomass in the Waikato River. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.3.4 Document 3488629
Wadhwa S & Elliott S 2015. Refined classification of land characteristics to assist economic modelling. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.2.7 Document 3650549
Waikato Regional Council 2013. Terms of Reference Technical Alliance. Document 2872118
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Assisting CSG decide which future scenarios they want assessed in s32 and economic models. Document 3720026
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Collaborative Stakeholder Group’s preferred options for the first round of limit and scenario modelling. Document 3405808 [PDF, 443 KB]
Wedderburn E Coffin A 2016a. Report 1.0 Integrated Assessment for Healthy Rivers Wai Ora The Baseline Information. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.6.1 Document 3495598
Wedderburn E Coffin A 2016b. Integrated Assessment One Assessment of Scenarios from modelling round one. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.6.2 Document 3510525
Wedderburn E Coffin A 2016c. Integrated Assessment Two Achieving water quality for swimming taking food and healthy biodiversity. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.6.3 Doc 3564805 [PDF, 893 KB]
White PA et al 2015. Groundwater resource characterisation in the Waikato River catchment for Healthy Rivers Project GNS Science Consultancy Report 2015-95. Document 3445880 (NOTE: this is a large file, please contact us directly if you need a copy)
Wilson S Shokri A 2015. Estimation of lag time of water and nitrate flow through the Vadose Zone- Waikato and Waipa River Catchments. WRC Report No HR.TLG.2015-2016.1.3 Doc 3562535
Yalden S Elliott S 2015. A methodology for chlorophyll and visual clarity modelling of the Waikato and Waipa Rivers. WRC Report No. HR.TLG.2015-2016.2.3 Document 3461382