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Part A

Department of Conservation 2014. Conservation Management Strategy Waikato 2014–2024 Volume I Operative 29 September 2014. New Zealand
Henry J 2014. Waikato and Waipa River iwi values document review – Waikato economic joint venture study. Waikato Regional Council Technical Report 2014-60 Document 2957543
Maniapoto Maori Trust Board 2015. He mahere ika Maniapoto Upper Waipa River fisheries plan 2015. Te Kuiti, Maniapoto Fisheries Reference Group
Maniapoto Maori Trust Board 2015. Ko tā Maniapoto mahere taiao - Maniapoto environmental management plan. Te Kuiti, Maniopoto Maori Trust Board
Ministry for the Environment 2014. A guide to section 32 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Incorporating changes as a result of the Resource Management Amendment Act 2013
Ministry for the Environment 2014. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014. Wellington, Ministry for the Environment
Ngāti Tahu - Ngāti Whaoa Rūnanga Trust 2013. Rising above the mist Ngāti Tahu - Ngāti Whaoa Iwi environmental plan. Reporoa, New Zealand, Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa Rununga Trust
Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa Rununga Trust 2014. Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa presentation to CSG workshop 7
Ngāti Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board 2002. Ngāti Tūwharetoa  Iwi environmental management plan 2003. Turangi, New Zealand, Ngati Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board
Office of the Auditor-General 2011. Managing freshwater quality Challenges for regional councils. Wellington, Office of the Auditor-General. Document No 2061249
Opus International Consultants Ltd 2013. Review of Waikato Regional Plan against the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River. Hamilton, Hamilton Environmental Office. Document 2900240
Raukawa Charitable Trust 2015. Raukawa environmental management plan 2015. Tokoroa, New Zealand, Raukawa Charitable Trust
River iwi 2015. Key messages from River Iwi engagement - presentation to CSG 23 November 2015. Document 3629218
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust (TARIT) 2015. Environmental plan 2015-2025. Rotorua, New Zealand, Te Arawa River Iwi Trust. Rotorua, New Zealand, Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust (TARIT) 2015. Fisheries plan 2015. Rotorua, New Zealand, Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
Tipa G, et al 2014. Maniapoto priorities for the restoration of the Waipa River Catchment. NIWA client report no. WEL2015-3 prepared for Maniapoto Trust Board
Versus Research Limited 2013. Environmental awareness, attitudes and actions and new ecological paradigm combined survey. A survey of residents of the Waikato Region. Document 2486029
Waikato Regional Council 2011. Lower Waikato zone management plan. Prepared by River and Catchment Services and GHD Limited Waikato Regional Council Policy Series 2011-04
Waikato Regional Council 2011. Waipa zone management plan. Prepared by River and Catchment Services and Brendan Morris Consulting. Wakaito Regional Council Policy Series 2011-07
Waikato Regional Council 2012. Central Waikato zone management plan. Prepared by River and Catchment Services and GHD Limited. Waikato Regional Council Policy Series 2012-02 [PDF, 3.6 MB]
Waikato Regional Council 2012. Waikato Regional Council minutes of an extraordinary meeting. 15 August 2012. Motion number WRC 12-198. Document 2242297
Waikato Regional Council 2013. Committee structure manual 2013-2016. Hamilton, Waikato Regional Council. Document 2904117
Waikato Regional Council 2014. Statutory and planning context of the Healthy Rivers – Plan for changeWai Ora – He rautaki whakapaipai. Unpublished report. Hamilton, WRC. Document 3118515 [PDF, 686 KB]
Waikato Regional Council 2014. Upper Waikato zone management plan. Waikato Regional Council Policy Series 2014-05. Hamilton, New Zealand, Waikato Regional Council
Waikato River Authority [2012]. Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River vision and strategy for the Waikato River. Hamilton, Waikato River Authority [PDF, 2 MB]
Waikato-Tainui environmental plan Tai Tumu, Tai Pari, Tai Ao. Hamilton, New Zealand, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui
Watene-Rawiri E, Fitzgerald J 2013. Raukawa fisheries plan: 2012. Tokoroa, New Zealand Ruakawa Charitable Trust