<?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title>Updates to Waikato River water quality monitoring programme: data report 2012 page</title> <link>https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/publications/tr201312/changes/</link> <atom:link href="https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/publications/tr201312/changes/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"></atom:link> <item> <title>Waikato River water quality monitoring programme: data report 2012</title> <link>https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/publications/tr201312/</link> <description> <div><p>Report: TR 2013/12</p> <p>Author: A Tulagi</p> <h2>About this report</h2> <p>The report provides information on routine monthly monitoring of water quality at 10 sites. Addtional information is provided in the appendices on flow and datasonde deployments.</p> <p><strong>Please note</strong> that the information in this report has taken into account the analysis contained in our earlier report <a href="https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Publications/TR201320/">"Trends in river water quality in the Waikato region, 1993-2012"</a> (TR 2013/20). You may wish to also read that report for a more complete overview.</p> <h2>Read or download the survey report</h2> <p><a href="https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/assets/WRC/WRC-2019/TR201312.pdf">Waikato River water quality monitoring programme: data report 2012</a></p> <del> <table class="table table--default" border="0"> <tbody> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td colspan="3">Contents</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>1</td> <td>Introduction</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>1.1</td> <td>Background</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>1.2</td> <td>Report content</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>1.3</td> <td>Water quality guidelines and standards</td> <td>2</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>2</td> <td>The Waikato River monitoring programme design</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>2.1</td> <td>Sampling collection</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>2.2</td> <td>Sample locations</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>2.3</td> <td>Water quality parameters</td> <td>4</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>2.4</td> <td>Quality control, data storage and analysis</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>2.5</td> <td>Reports</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>3</td> <td>Results</td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>3.1</td> <td>Waikato River Monitoring Programme</td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>3.2</td> <td>Waikato River Monitoring Programme</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Bathing season microbiological survey</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Summary statistics</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Comparison with water quality standards</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Parameter graph</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Raw data</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td></td> <td>References</td> <td>29</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Appendix I: Flow information</td> <td>30</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Appendix II: Datasonde deployments -Diurnal variation of selected water quality parameters</td> <td>32</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td></td> <td>Appendix III: Water quality parameters - Guidelines and standards - Analytical methods</td> <td>46</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </del></div> </description> <pubDate>Mon, 06 Jan 2020 15:43:02 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/publications/tr201312/</guid> </item> <item> <title>Waikato River water quality monitoring programme: data report 2012</title> <link>https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/publications/tr201312/</link> <description> <div><p>Report: TR 2013/12</p><p>Author: A Tulagi</p><h2><a></a>About this report</h2><p>The report provides information on routine monthly monitoring of water quality at 10 sites. Addtional information is provided in the appendices on flow and datasonde deployments.</p><p><strong>Please note </strong>that the information in this report has taken into account the analysis contained in our earlier report <a href="https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Publications/TR201320/">"Trends in river water quality in the Waikato region, 1993-2012"</a> (TR 2013/20). You may wish to&nbsp;also read that report for a more complete overview.&nbsp;</p><h2><a></a>Read or download the survey report</h2><p><a href="https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/assets/WRC/WRC-2019/TR201312.pdf">Waikato River water quality monitoring programme: data report 2012</a></p><table class="table table--default" border="0"> <tbody> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td colspan="3">Contents</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>1</td> <td>Introduction</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>1.1</td> <td>Background</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>1.2</td> <td>Report content</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>1.3</td> <td>Water quality guidelines and standards</td> <td>2</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>2</td> <td>The Waikato River monitoring programme design</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>2.1</td> <td>Sampling collection</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>2.2</td> <td>Sample locations</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>2.3</td> <td>Water quality parameters</td> <td>4</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>2.4</td> <td>Quality control, data storage and analysis</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>2.5</td> <td>Reports</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>3</td> <td>Results</td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;3.1</td> <td>Waikato&nbsp;River Monitoring Programme</td> <td>6&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;3.2</td> <td>Waikato River Monitoring Programme</td> <td>25&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;Bathing season microbiological survey</td> <td>25&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;Summary statistics</td> <td>25&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;Comparison with water quality standards</td> <td>25&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;Parameter graph</td> <td>25&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Raw data</td> <td>25&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>References</td> <td>29&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Appendix I: Flow information</td> <td>30&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Appendix II: Datasonde deployments -Diurnal variation of selected water quality parameters</td> <td>32&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Appendix III: Water quality parameters - Guidelines and standards - Analytical methods&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td>46&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </description> <pubDate>Tue, 10 Dec 2019 08:47:03 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://subsite.waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/publications/tr201312/</guid> </item> </channel> </rss>